Monday, July 22, 2013

Jenna's 4th Annual Commenting Challenge: Day One

So, yeah. I admit it. I am in a blogging rut. Trust me...there is plenty to talk about. I am just too tired to try and put it all together! SO, I thought I'd join in on Jenna's commenting challenge. Today's topic is "about me".  Here goes....

Hi! I'm Kelli and I have been blogging for about 5 years now. I am a stay at home mom to our two boys, Connor (3) and Cade (1), and blog mostly about our everyday life. I am married to my best friend, whom I met the first day of our freshman year! We became friends first and started dating soon thereafter. We have been together now for 11 years {5 dating, almost 6 married} and I can't imagine doing life without him.

I love to read, whether it be books or blogs. I have been known to read a blog from the beginning.. just like I would a book and I'm sure that if you're around me long enough you will hear me say, "I read on so and so's blog..." more than once. I also have a bad habit of picking a TV show and starting from the beginning and watching each and every episode until I get caught up.

I have a slight addiction to coffee and consume anywhere from 2 to 3 cups a day. My favorite way to drink it right now is steaming hot with a few too many dollops of home made whip cream. The plus to this is that it has cut my Starbucks bills in half!! I also loved iced coffee in the summer with a dash of my creamer of choice... all in a mason jar with a straw, of course!

I am new to the exercise/getting fit world and am loving it. I am training for a half marathon right now and go to bootcamp usually twice a week on top of that. You miiiiiight say I am slightly obsessed with it, actually. In a good way, I think! I am just enjoying being more in shape and being able to run around the yard with my boys and not get tired!

Above all, I love the Lord. He has blessed us tremendously with this life and there isn't a day that goes by that I'm not thankful for it!

Oh! I almost forgot. As for other forms of social media, you can find me on Instagram here and on Pinterest here!


Anna & Kirby said...

I say the same things about blogs. My husband is starting to get it but other "non-bloggers" don't get it.

Julie Rogers said...

Found you via the blog commenting challenge. Love your blog title...know the feeling, I have two boys and just had my third, a baby girl:) Looking forward to reading more!


Superchikk said...

Stopping by from Jenna's!

Girl, doing all that training while taking care of your kids? You're my hero. After chasing kids all day, I have no energy (or desire!) to work out!

Kathryn said...

Stopping by from the challenge! Your boys are adorable! I also love reading other blogs, especially SAHM's since I'm new to this whole thing :) I have 18 month old twin girls and am still trying to get used to it! ha!


Katrin said...

Stopping by from Jenna's. I am the same about reading blogs from the beginning like a book:). Need to start on yours now.


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