Tuesday, September 11, 2012

1st day of MDO 2012

Can I just say that this week has been CAH-RAZY! I told Matt that if I could just make it through Monday night (last night) then all would be ok. And let me tell you. I owe it all to God for making it through even a little bit gracefully. If you had a peek into my brain since Cade has been here you would see a big fat jumbled mess. Mommy brain has hit me HARD this time around! So the fact that I have been able to do all that I have done and not feel like screaming, is all because of Him. No doubt! 

I have a list a mile and a half long of blog posts that I want to do. Hopefully I can get back to normal posting now that school has started and we will be into a pretty good routine soon. Speaking of school starting, it started yesterday! Connor was pumped and honestly, so was I! I love this age and to be around 7 of them at the same time? Just makes me happy. 

He asked on the way why he couldn't go to Mrs. Colleen's room (his teacher from last year) and I explained that she has another class this year and that I am his teacher this year. He was ok with that. In fact, when all the teachers were meeting for our prayer before school started, he was asked (in front of everybody) who his teacher was going to be. In which he threw his arms around me and excitedly proclaimed, "MOMMY!" If you know him, you know he is a little lot shy when people ask him questions, so it was huge for him to answer! 

Technically, it was my littlest man's first day, too. He was in the nursery right down the hall and did great! I got to go down and feed him and then at one point towards the end of the day I could hear that sweet babbling as the nursery worker was pushing him and another little boy around in the stroller. I could point that sweet voice out from a mile away. I poked my head around the corner and could see his little arm just a waving :) 

Another God thing is that I wasn't even nervous about leaving Cade. I knew he would be fine, he was right down the hall and I'd get to see him in 3 hours. Trust me, I KNOW how blessed I am to stay home with my boys, but this was still a big deal to me. Plus, the day flew by. These 2 1/2 year olds are going to keep me busy.. and laughing! 

So, onto the real question. How did Connor do with his Mommy as his teacher? Weeellllll, let's just say that he is going to keep me on my toes. You could tell that he was 100% comfortable with me there, while the other kids weren't upset or nervous, just a little more timid I guess. Needless to say, there were a lot of "Connor, get back in your seat. Connor, don't answer for him. It's not your turn right now", and so forth. At one point while I was putting him in time out for not listening to me, he looked RIGHT AT ME and put his finger over his mouth and said, "Shhh"!!!! I had to turn my head to keep from laughing. Where in the world did this confident little man come from?! Anyway, it has just made me realize that, with him, I am not going to be able to deliver empty threats. At home or at school. Because it will glide over either way. It's not that I am going to be extra hard on him, but I do think he will push his luck more than anyone else. Overall, he did really well and I am so excited to see him in this environment. 

One of the funniest things that I heard all day was right after class started. Connor was asking me something and called me Mommy (side note: bets on how long before he starts calling me Mrs. Kelli). The girl across from him looked at him so sympathetically and said, "No, your mommy went bye bye to your home. That is Mrs. Kelli." HA! I just died out laughing, which seriously was the first laugh out of about 200 in that short 5 hours. I texted Matt while I was feeding Cade and told him how awesome it was going and how I undoubtedly believed I was exactly where God wanted me to be. 

And for that? I couldn't be more thankful.


April said...

Wow! Kuddos to you for teaching and with your son in your class. I bet it was fun with 2.5 year olds. I'm sure he will get the hang of Mommy being his teacher very quickly.

Rachael said...

so glad it went great!! Connor is hilarious, he will make it an exciting year for sure! So glad Cade did good too :) I cannot get over him with his MDO sign!!

the workaholic momma said...

hahahaha....oh my..love the "your mommy went bye bye story." Sounds like you guys are going to have a great time and I think its so wonderful that you are able to teach his class:)


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