Monday, March 30, 2015

MORE: From Messes to Miracles book review

When I was asked if I would like to read and review MORE: From Messes to Miracles by Tammie Head, I knew by the title alone that I would. First off, who doesn't want to become a miracle from the mess of this earthly life? Secondly, I feel like there have been days that I just wanted more. More of what?  I didn't know. So, I quickly responded, "YES!" And, man, am I glad I did. As soon as the book got here I got my little post-it note flags (which made me feel very official, by the way ;) ) and went to town. After the first chapter I had flagged at least twice a page. You think God was speaking to me through Tammie? Yeah, I do too. 

This book is one that will make you think and just down right yearn to be in God's presence. She tells her story of how she went from a girl working in the sex industry to someone who realized that the "more" she was wanting, was actually God. That He could fill that hole up "more" and then some! In the book she says,
 "I think our need for more stems from the same empty well in all of us-even if our attempts to satisfy our emptiness play out differently in each of our lives. I think this emptiness was created in us by God and for God. I think the "more" we're longing for is God."

Her raw honesty is exactly what I needed. It gave me hope, reminded me of God's never ending love and gave me a renewed sense of urgency to get back in His word. And that I will feel better than I ever have before if I just let Him become that "more"

Who doesn't want authentic Joy and Adventure??? I know I do!!! To order your copy of MORE: From Messes to Miracles you can find it here on Amazon. But, how about a chance to win a copy?? Enter into the rafflecopter below!!!

1 comment:

Bri Runde said...

I have missed your posts, girl! Glad to see you back! I have not heard of this book but would love to read it!!!


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