After the wedding we went home and CRASHED. I was exhausted and my feet felt like they were forever damaged. Sunday we went over to Billy and Becky's to have a cookout and go to the pool. We had so much fun and as usual Connor loved the water! Becky had a little canopy for him to lay under after he got out of the water and he wasn't down there for 10 minutes before he was ready for a nap. He was so cute sprawled across the blanket in his little swimsuit! While he napped I went to join the rest of the fam in a little sand volleyball game. It was so much fun and I wasn't near as bad as I thought I would be.. haha. After the pool we went back to Billy and Becky's to eat some leftovers. I took Cristin and Jenny to experience their first Sonic Blast. It's so funny to think that there aren't Sonic's everywhere.. I am used to living in a town that has at least 2! When we got back the girls taught me how to french braid. I am ready to have a girl now! haha. No, honestly, the first braid was so terrible that it actually looked like a fishtail braid. The second one was much better, but I still need practice. Too bad both of the people I live with are of no help! Matt says he hopes I never have someone to work on. He is terrified of having a girl! Once again, I have a ton of pictures!
The women from L to R: Becky, Aunt Rita, Khara, Laura, Aunt Kathy, Jenny, Cristin, April and me. Natalie was napping, so she didn't make it in the pic :(
The boy cousins. Kyle, Matt, Tim, Jamie, Terry and Corey.
I tried to get a good picture of Jake. He wasn't very cooperative. ;)
We had so much fun with the everyone and can't wait to get together again!
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