Monday, April 12, 2010

One Month Old!

My baby is one month old! I'm going to turn around and be dropping him off at college. Tear :( (I thought of that because we watched The Blind Side this weekend and I cried when they took Michael to Ole Miss and dropped him off. I am going to need drugs.) I love this picture because of how his leg is propped up. Using his legs like a big boy!

We had his one month check up today. The doctor said everything looked great! We did have to put him on medicine for reflux to see if that is what the problem has been with his eating. He has been fighting me like crazy while lately and spitting up a lot, so I knew it was either a fast let-down or reflux. I hope the medicine helps, because there isn't much I can do about fast let down. He will just have to get used to it and that kills me! It's hard because he wants to eat, but as soon as he starts he fusses and gets off. It is a very long process at 2 in the morning! I guess my biggest concern is making sure he gets enough to eat, which is something I can't really measure without weighing him. Anyway, here are little man's stats:

Weight: 10 lbs 6 oz (60th percentile)
Height: 22 inches (59th percentile)
Head: 38 cm (52nd percentile)
He also got the 2nd round of Hepatitis B shots,

which resulted in his first big boy band aid. I did not like this part. The face he made was PIT.I.FUL. Broke my heart! I made sure the nurse was the only one in his line of vision so MAYBE he wouldn't associate me with such awfulness! She said next month's appointment would be really bad (in reference to the shots), so I am already dreading that.

I started us on a schedule last week and so far it has gone really well. Maybe he will be like his momma and like to have a plan! haha

Here he is hanging out after his lunchtime nap. This child loves to be naked. He could be dead asleep and you take his clothes off and his eyes will fly open and he will just coo and smile. I can just see him taking his diaper off and running around when he gets older.

Another thing he loves is his car seat. He immediately falls asleep while in it, so I usually take our walks during his afternoon nap. I snapped this the other day when we got back. He looked so peaceful!

Happy one month birthday Connor! I can only pray that we have enriched your life as much as you have ours!


Lana Summitt said...

I can't believe how big-a-boy he is!

Simmons Family said...

hey! I got his cowboy hat at a farming store here in columbia! :) also i'm so sorry connor is struggling with reflux! landry had it VERY bad!!!he was on prevacid for about 2 months but i ended up talking him off of it b/c it really didn't seem to help him and it made his hair fall watch for that side effect if that's the medicine he is going to be on. also i also had a very fast let down so between to two he would get choked a lot while nursing-NOT FUN AT ALL!! if you have enough milk try pumping in between his feeding that may help your let down some-but i had everything against me and i couldn't do that b/c i had just enough milk to keep him full and still had to supplement during growth spurts b/c i didn't produce a lot of milk. if you need anything please let me know!! i know how hard this process is but it is so worth it b/c he will be so much healther!


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