Saturday, February 13, 2010

Nesting, anyone?

HELLLLLOOOO nesting! Wow it hit me full force today! I don't think we stopped doing stuff around the house until we got ready to go out to celebrate Valentines Day. I am so nervous that if I don't get this stuff done I am not going to be able to do it before it is time for us to go to the hospital. I already have our bags packed! I even feel like I need to leave a note somewhere telling someone where they would find our toiletries if we had to rush to the hospital and didn't have time to put that stuff in the bag.. haha. I've officially lost it!
Before we started on our huge to do list for the day, I decided that I was going to have Matt practice changing a diaper. I wanted to see how much he knew and he really surprised me! He did everything perfect except for the folding it up to throw away.

Pretty soon I'll have a little baby in this picture instead of a stuffed pig! SO CRAZY!
So included in my list today was to sanitize the paci's. Well I sanitized and then realized that to pack them in the suitcase they would just be laying there on top of everything not covered. What is the point of sanitizing them if they don't have a protective case? I just decided to put it in a ziploc bag, even though I know that will never happen once we start going regularly and carrying a diaper bag. I feel like I am starting to worry about making everything perfect and doing everything right... hopefully once he gets here I will just relax!

I hope everyone had a great Saturday.. got to go finish up a few things before bed! :)


Lana Summitt said...

You are going to be such a great mommy!

Ramirez Family said...

You are just being a paranoid good mommy already ;) that is a good thing, I think.


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