Friday, November 8, 2013


Y'all. This week has been loooooooong. I was waving the white flag on....Tuesday? Eek. I even told Matt that when he walked out the door on Wednesday I was already missing him and was ready for him to come home. I don't know if it is because I was anticipating this weekend (the boys are going to stay with their Gammie) or if it was the fact that they are at.each.others.throat right now. I've told a few people that it's like they automatically became siblings this week. Which involves hitting, pinching and tackling (mostly done by Cade, mind you) and then turning around laughing and hugging. They are a mess and while I'm sure I'll be ready for them to get back on Sunday afternoon, I am most definitely counting down the hours to have my husband alllllll to myself!!!! 

By request of MiMi, here is a little snippet of my life with these crazy boys. 

I laugh every time I see that! That is true sibling love if I've ever seen it!

TGIF, y'all! Have a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

Katiern827 said...

So jealous of your weekend alone!! I hope you guys enjoyed it:) Cute video!


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