Thursday, August 16, 2012

Enjoying our days

The past week or so, I have been blogging the day before so that I have scheduled posts. I didn't do it yesterday because I was playing with the design of the blog (more to come on that soon) and here I am trying to get it done this morning. The morning show is on..not GMA or the Today Show, mind you, but The Sunrise Show on Sprout. Oh yes, the times have changed! Connor is eating breakfast and Cade is playing on his play mat. I'm gulping my iced coffee down and savoring it as it is my last one from this batch. I made the full 8 qts this time and have pretty much had the whole thing to myself in the past 2 1/2 weeks. I might have a problem that I'm not quite willing to address just yet! 

School has started around these parts, but Connor's MDO program doesn't start for a few more weeks. Until then, we are enjoying our days of nothing planned and hanging around the house. I was doing laundry yesterday, which is something Connor loves to do with me. His favorite part is getting to play in the empty laundry basket afterwards. He will usually stay in there for about 20 minutes or so.

I usually spend those 20 minutes doing everything in my power to get things done that I usually can't while he is underfoot :) Which is pretty much anything in regards to cleaning! He loves to be my helper, but let's be honest. A 2 yr old usually isn't much of a help. With that said, I will never turn it down! He has to learn somehow! Lately he has been big into doing things "BY MYSELF".  Well, when I was finishing up the last load of laundry, I asked him if he wanted to help. His response? "No thank you, Mommy. Mommy do it by herself." HA! Gosh, I love this kid!

One thing that Connor is so not aware of is personal space. With us, at least. And DEFINITELY his brother. I try not to constantly get onto him about being in Cade's space because I fear that he will just associate him with getting in trouble. Plus, it never fails that Cade laughs at him.
Cade has started really grabbing at Connor and Connor is! He'll just laugh and laugh. Little does he know that it only gets better from here :)
As excited as he gets to see him roll over, I can only imagine how it will be once he starts sitting up, crawling, etc.
But, none of that is going to happen for a while...right, Cade? We are slowing time down, ok?

I thought it was a little cooler outside and since I feel like we have lived inside the entire summer, we ventured out to enjoy it. There was a nice, cool shade on the front porch for Cade to sit. He seemed pretty content with his arrangements.

It had been a few months since I got the chalk out, so I decided to try it again. 

It was a much bigger hit this time. He is just enjoying coloring more now than he has in the past, so I think that plays a part in it, too.

It's funny to me just how alike we are when I watch him. I don't know if it is just genetic or if it comes from being around me so much.

One of the first things he did was sort the colors, which is probably what I would do, too.

This is one of those times that I am reminded just how different it is to have boys. I started the rainbow and the sun, but what did he ask for? You see that football? Oh, yes. I'm pretty sure he asked for every ball known to man for me to draw. 

It looks like I need to freshen up my tennis ball drawing skills, because they all looked like basketballs. 

I figured if all else fails, draw a Tennessee "T" and call it a day. 

We hadn't been out there for 20 minutes before he started sweating. This poor child sweats more than anyone I know!

Becky had Rowen for a few days while Rachel and Brent went to the beach with another couple. We all met at Pizza Hut for supper so that Connor could see him. On the way, I noticed Cade was straining to sit up so that he could see Connor and was laughing at him. I'm SO glad they have each other!!

follow me on instagram:krkegley

I guess it had been a few weeks since I had seen this little guy, and he has grown! He was making these cute little noises with his mouth and starting to motion toward things he wanted to show you. I just can't believe he is almost 10 months old! He was watching Connor's every move and you could tell that he wanted to get down there, too. I can already tell those two are going to be trouble together! 

And I wouldn't have it any other way :)

1 comment:

Tara said...

Love the new look and title of your blog. Super cute kids, that's for sure too!


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