Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekend Rewind

I am linking up with Tami at Little Moments Like This for her Weekend Rewind link up. Be sure and head over to her blog and check it out if you aren't a follower already. Her and her husband live overseas with their adorable daughter, Emerson. I always love reading her posts and was excited when she said she was going to start this link up! 

As is with a newborn, we had a pretty laid back weekend. If you read my post yesterday , you know we needed it! Friday night we had family movie night and watched a documentary on monkeys and elephants, which are two of Connor's favorite animals. He was out of control and I guess it is just because he was so excited we were all on "daddy's bed" together :). 

Saturday morning we made a big breakfast and just laid around relaxing. Little man woke up ready to play and Connor was right there to oblige. He kisses him all.the.time! He loves when he has his eyes open. I can't imagine what he is going to think the older he gets (although, I am definitely NOT wishing for that to happen soon!)

I love to just sit and watch him while he is awake. His arms and legs move like crazy and he makes the cutest little faces. If you are wondering why he has no clothes on, it is because he had just peed through them...and onto the couch! 

After we put the boys down for a nap, I went back in Cade's room to get a picture of him in his miracle blanket. He loves it, which proves that each baby is different. Connor hated it! Another thing he loves is his crib! He, surprisingly, sleeps so much better in his crib than he does in someone's arms or anything else. I have started putting him in his crib during what will eventually become nap time when he gets older. I know he doesn't know the difference, but it will just help us develop that routine. 

I love his expressions!!!

Saturday afternoon I decided that I wanted to take a quick walk at the park to get this recovery process going! Connor was very excited to actually have Cade in the stroller with us as the last week of my pregnancy, it was always one of his stuffed animals. We even asked him if he wanted to play on the playground first and he just wanted to ride in the red stroller :)

It is getting harder and harder to take pictures of this child!

Lucky for me, I have another one that will cooperate now! I was not aware that it was 85 out and had Cade in a long sleeve shirt, long pants and fuzzy warm socks! Needless to say, I was stripping him down pretty quickly. We actually had a very thin blanket draped over the seat during the walk to protect him from the sun, but took it off for the picture. 

Sunday morning Connor went to church with BeBe and D-daddy, so the 3 of us just hung around at home. I hadn't gotten any video of Cade yet (besides right after I had him), so I got it out to record what the little stinker does when I kiss him. 

I love those little baby noises!

We spent the rest of the day napping and relaxing. Cade took a nice little nap on my chest (HEAVEN) and then I laid him in his crib and all 3 (me, Cade and Connor) of us took another 2 hour nap. So not like me, so I must have needed it. Daddy was out mowing, so he didn't get to partake. Although, he can take a nap at 7:30 and still go to bed at 9, so he can always get one if he needs it!

So, there you go! Crazy weekend, huh?! Honestly, we are such homebodies that this is the perfect kind of weekend for us!! What did you do this weekend? Link up with Tami and share!


the workaholic momma said...

Cade is just the cutest little guy and I am so glad to hear that he is doing much better!!! I'm so impressed that y'all are already getting out and doing things with both babes!!! Thanks so much for sharing all of the pics!!!

Tami said...

I'm so glad you linked up! Cade is so, so sweet and definitely makes my baby fever even worse! :) It sounds like you guys have eased right into the transition of 3 to 4 and it's so awesome that Connor loves being a big brother so much!


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