Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

We had such a wonderful Easter! We headed to church early to eat the wonderful breakfast that they have every year. Matt had signed up to cook, so he actually got there much earlier and believe it or not, Connor and I still made it on time! It helped that his little suit came from his cousin, Ian, and he was excited to put it on.

He looked a little too grown up to me ;) Of course, that doesn't mean that I didn't love it.. just means I am a sentimental momma that thinks her little boy is growing up too fast! As soon as we took this picture he said, "Connor done" and stepped off the rock and headed into the building. I guess he told me!

After class was out, it was time to visit the Easter bunny. As with last year, he wasn't a fan. In fact, he never even made it in his lap! He asked me about 10 times throughout the day where that big bunny rabbit was. I think he was making sure he wasn't going to see him again!
After we traumatized him, we headed to D-daddy and BeBe's house to eat lunch and spend some time with family.
And, of course give him his Easter basket. Since Matt had to be at church so early, we decided to wait until that afternoon.
He loved his bath toys and has asked to take a bath twice today! haha. I hated how all the squeeze toys had gotten mold in them, so I just decided to switch to foam.
After an amazing lunch, we headed out to have his egg hunt. Matt and I were so excited because we had gotten him some new cars and were going to put them in the eggs... and wouldn't you know they didn't fit?! But, we just had April and Josh (who set up the hunt for us :) ) set them out beside the eggs. He thought it was the greatest thing in the world!

As you can see, he didn't keep his bag very long. He decided it was slowing him down and gave it to me, which meant I had to dodge eggs and he was throwing them into the bag every few seconds!
Checking out his loot.

Thanks Aunt April and Uncle Josh for setting up the hunt for us!
I've said it before, but I just love being out at their house. It is so nice and relaxing! Apparently Billy loves it, too and decided to relax with Jake, his dog ;) My father in law cracks me up!!!
Of course, the main reason for Easter is to celebrate that Christ has Risen. While I will always take my kids' pictures with the Easter bunny and probably always give them a little basket, I pray that they walk out of our house (in 20 or so years..HA!) celebrating that day for what it is truly about!

1 comment:

the workaholic momma said...

oh my goodness....i die at the cuteness of Connor's suit!!!! And his little Easter shirt is precious too!!! I'm glad you guys had such a wonderful Easter and I am so excited for the arrival of baby look great!!!!

Hope you're having a great week:)


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