Thursday, April 12, 2012

38 weeks

Connor says, "WOO HOO! Two weeks until I meet my little brother!"

How Far Along: 38 weeks. CANNOT WAIT!!!!

Size of baby: They estimated that he weighed about 8 lbs (based on ultrasound), which is greater than the 90%. Love my big boys!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 39 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Yes and some of those aren't covering up that belly!

Gender: BOY!!!

Movement: The ultrasound tech said she didn't know how he had room to move at all, which explains why I can see every single move he makes! ha!

Sleep: Besides going to the bathroom about 5 times a night, great!

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach.

Cravings: Nothing too notable.

Symptoms: Had a rough day yesterday. I had been having Braxton Hicks consistently for 24 hours and was over it. If they aren't going to make me dilate, I just don't see the point! Other than that my only problems are heartburn (seriously don't know how people live with that) and feeling as if someone has taken a hammer to my pelvic bone! HA! At least I don't think I'll have to wait on him to drop!

Best Moment this week: Being completely through with Cade's room! And packed! And I have the car seat in the car. Love marking things off of my checklist!!! OH, OH, OH!! AND when I had the ultrasound we saw hair floating around on his head. You couldn't have wiped the smile off my face! I have been saying that I really want him and Connor to look a lot alike, but that right there proved to me that I could care less. My goodness, I just love him so much already and am dying to kiss that fuzzy little head!!!!

DR update: Nothing had changed. Still 1 cm and not sure about the effacement. She told me to go home and walk, bounce on an exercise ball and try to do some wall squats. I have another appointment next Tuesday and we will talk about what I want to do from there. I'm thinking I am going to set it for the day after my due date to try to give him time to come on his own. She was trying to be positive and said, "Well at least we know you have a cervix that will keep a baby in until full term!" Bless her. That is why I love my dr!!!

And here is another comparison of my two boys. This one is mainly to show how swollen I was with Connor. Seriously, there isn't a day that goes by that I'm not thankful for that not being the case this time!!!


Ashley E. said...

Wow!!! Cade is going to be here soon! And bless your heart! That is night and day difference!

the workaholic momma said...

Oh my goodness...I don't know how you are still keeping that baby in:) You look great and I can't wait for little Cade to be born!!! Hang in there, girl!!

Libby! said...

Oh OH OH he is just all warm and cozy in there!! I cant wait to meet him... but he looks like he is enjoying himself in there!

The Howard Bunch said...

Oh my gosh. You are ridiculously adorable! I wish I looked that great 38 weeks pregnant. I nominated you for an award on my blog. I know you're super busy, what with keeping your precious baby in that belly of yours - but I wanted you to know. =)

Lily Dawn said...

Awww- you look great! Almost there! :)


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