Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Zoo fun

Angie and I talked a few weeks ago about going to the zoo the next time it was pretty, so when she asked me Monday if we wanted to attempt it today, I responded "Absolutely" pretty quickly. I've been wanting to go because of how much Connor loves animals right now and it would be a nice way to be outside and walk around but still keep him somewhat contained! (you might laugh, but it he is a quick little thing!)

I was taking a picture of the kids when a lady asked if I wanted to get one of all of us. I love how I look like the Jolly Green Giant up against tiny little Angie! ha!

We went to the reptile house and Connor was cracking me up. Every single time we would get to a window, he would point to it and ask what was in it. I love how aware he is of everything! He has never been crazy about the goats, but he actually wanted to brush their hair today.
And he never quite understood why they would just walk away during the middle of a grooming :)
His (and William's) favorite was the train ride. I had to hold onto him, otherwise I would have gotten a picture. He had a huge smile the entire time! Afterwards we headed to the playground to let them run since they had been in the stroller all day. Sweet William loves to hold hands and kept sticking his hand out and asking for Connor to hold it. At first Connor wouldn't do it, but finally he did and I just melted! Sweet friends!!!
Connor has not been wanting to swing lately and I thought it was because he just wanted to run around. I found out today that he is terrified! I can't believe he doesn't like it, because he used to LOVE it. He is so my cautious little man, which means Cade will throw caution to the wind from day one, I'm sure!

He fell asleep in the car, but woke up once we got to Angie's house. I thought he'd go to sleep once he was with his animals, but he just played in there instead. Even though he only got about a 20 minute nap, he was still in a pretty good mood, so we played outside a little bit this afternoon until I realized that I had to make some treats for his class tomorrow since it is his birthday! Near mommy fail, there ;) I made funfetti cake balls, but I think I just liked the actual cake better, which is not like me. It must be the pregnancy! Ha!


Lana Summitt said...

So sweet at the zoo!!! Love it!

Angie said...

Such a good day. That pic. of our sweet boys holding still my heart! (they will hate us for that one day) ha! Love getting to spend days like that with sweet friends!


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