What a productive weekend we had! It started out a bit crazy, but it was wonderful nonetheless!
We went over to Angie's house that morning to play with William and Sophie. It was William's birthday and Connor was very excited to tell him Happy Birthday. We had plans to go to either the Science Center or the zoo, but there were reports of bad weather, so we decided to just try it another day. I'm glad we did, because come that afternoon it was pretty nasty. In fact, it was the first time I was a little nervous. After much back and forth, we decided to just ride it out at home, so I started unloading Connor's closet since it is the only interior closet. At first Matt was going to be driving home during the worst of it, but thankfully, they let him go early. I obviously didn't want him driving through it, but I was also so glad that he was with us. I just feel more protected with him around :). Anyway, after getting everything out of Connor's closet (which he thought was the coolest thing EVER), his crib looked like this:
and his closet like this:
It was at this point that Matt called and said he decided we should go up to Becky's school since there were better places to take cover. I'm just glad I hadn't attempted to move that bookshelf yet! So I grabbed some extra clothes, my computer (I was worried to death about all of our pictures), some things to keep Connor occupied and out we went. He was in heaven. Becky has this football and football helmet in her office that he is obsessed with. He didn't care to have it on or for anyone else to, but he loved to carry it around.
I have no doubt that will all change one day. Not rushing time (by ANY means), but I can't wait to watch my baby play football one day! Thankfully, the storm never got really bad. In fact, the worst we got was some hail.
But it was some pretty nice sized hail!
We grabbed a pizza and went home and skyped mom so she could just watch Connor play. She hasn't seen him since New Years Eve and I know she is on pins and needles to get here this weekend! He had a big time skyping with her and was loving the attention. He is going to be on cloud 9 this weekend with getting all of it!
Matt and I had grand plans to go to the zoo or at least play outside all day, but the weather had other plans. It was pretty chilly the first half of the day, so we played inside instead. That afternoon we went over to Chesley and Andy's house to watch the UT-Vandy basketball game. April and Josh came to pick him up about an hour after being there so that Matt and I could go out to eat after the game. Chesley made so much good food that we just decided to stay there and hang out a little longer. We had so much fun, so I'm glad we did! Afterwards, we headed to Target to pick up Connor's present from us, Mom and Dad. It is a playhouse that we are going to put in his playground and we got it for 30% off. I cannot WAIT for him to see it and play in it!
After church and lunch, I dropped the boys off and finished up some errands for his party. I got SO much done and feel pretty prepared for it! Much more than his 1st birthday, for sure! I got everything printed, the cupcake toppers made, the water bottle labels made, the cake made and frozen and the rest of the decor bought. As you can imagine, this pretty much took up the entire day. Connor took up his entire day sleeping. Brother took a 4 hour nap!!! And still went to bed at 7:30. He was apparently very sleepy and was needing to catch up.
Gammie got back home from work today, so she is going to come over tomorrow so I can get some painting (things for the party, a birthday gift, some things for Cade's room. This list goes on and on!) done while it is pretty outside. It is forecasted to be sunny and in the 60s, so hopefully the weathermen are right!
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