WHEW! Home again, home again jiggity jig. We have been gone since last Wednesday morning! We had to dog sit for Pam a few days and then we went to Indiana for Kayla's wedding! I'm going to postpone my post for that so that I can get everyone else's pictures to use. I took my camera and didn't use it once! I just used my little Canon and only did that twice. It was absolutely gorgeous and totally solidified my thoughts that she needs to be a wedding planner!
I was a little worried how today would be since Connor would not only be recovering from daylight savings time, but also changing back into the Central time zone. He was a nut all day long! I swear this child gets more active with each passing day.
Every morning I put Connor in his swing so that I can get my breakfast ready and he can watch his video. Well, this morning I noticed that the swing has finished it's last leg of use for this growing boy.
Ha. How in the world had I not noticed this before?! Apparently he had enough and decided to do something about it. While making my oatmeal I hear him grunting and went in there to see what he was doing.
How in the world he unfastened himself is beyond my understanding! What a little stinker!
I spent the rest of the morning following him around the house telling him no, no and trying to convince him to play with his toys instead of pulling the DVD's out of the entertainment center, crawling behind the recliner to get the cords, pulling himself up on my tall glass vase of flowers, etc. We need a bigger house!
I have recently decided to quit nursing at 2:30 and start pumping and giving him the bottle instead. I am actually enjoying it so much more because he will just cuddle right up against me and hold the bottle. That is the ONLY time he is still and I just soak it up. I probably kiss that little blonde head 100 times during that 15 minutes it takes him to eat. Well today he woke up a little early, so I just thought he could play in the floor while I pumped. Ha. Had I that quickly forgotten what our morning had been like? I wasn't hooked up to the pump for 5 minutes before he heads toward the kitchen. I unhook and go in there to get him, only I couldn't find him. I freak out for a second and then spot him underneath the table.
I don't even know how he saw that strap hanging down. I think he has a radar for the things he shouldn't play with. ;)
I need to start getting back on a cleaning schedule, because it looks like I am going to be too busy re-directing Connor to try to clean the whole house at once! What I did before Connor was born was set a different chore for each day. For example, on Monday's I would dust, on Tuesday's I would clean the bathroom, on Wednesday's I would vacuum, etc. Does anyone else use a cleaning schedule or do you just do it all at once? Do share!
I need to start getting back on a cleaning schedule, because it looks like I am going to be too busy re-directing Connor to try to clean the whole house at once! What I did before Connor was born was set a different chore for each day. For example, on Monday's I would dust, on Tuesday's I would clean the bathroom, on Wednesday's I would vacuum, etc. Does anyone else use a cleaning schedule or do you just do it all at once? Do share!
We do our cleaning all at once...however, we both work full time, so we don't have time during the week. Saturdays we divide and conquer! I think doing a little each day would be easier with a little one!
I just don't do it at all anymore..ha! Seriously, I need a schedule b/c I can't keep up with this house. Be careful what you wish for...there are so many days I wish to have that 1100 sq. ft. house again!!
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