Saturday, December 12, 2009


Man I look tired in this picture..and I was! I barely let Matt get out of the shower before I made him take this picture of me on my way to teach 2nd graders :)
This week marks the beginning of the 3rd trimester. The FINAL trimester! Needless to say, I am ready for him to be here! Not because I am uncomfortable or tired of being pregnant, which I am sure will come, but because I am ready to meet sweet Connor! I am ready to see my husband become a dad and see the love in his eyes for his first son. I am ready to see if he will have my green eyes or his dad's beautiful blue eyes. (Is there any doubt whose I want him to get? haha) I am ready to see what, if he even has any, color his hair will be. I am ready to see if he will have my short curled up toes or Matt's long ones. I am just ready for HIM!
This week Connor will grow to be the size of a head of cauliflower, about 16 inches long and 2.5 lbs. Brain wave activity measured in a developing fetus shows different sleep cycles, including the rapid eye movement phase, the stage when dreaming occurs. He has also added blinking to his bag tricks. Other impressive new talents being added to his roster in the womb include coughing, more intense sucking, adn perhaps most important, better breathing.
Connor is getting a lot of attention from all of the kiddos that I substitute teach. They love to hug me and lay their head on my belly and rub it. I'm glad I don't have a phobia of people touching my belly! I had one little boy ask me if I was going to have a boy or girl. "Boy", I replied. "Oh, that boy is going to be bad. All you have to do is give him a good ole whoppin though." I laughed and said, "Sounds like you might have received one of those before." He said, "Oh yeah. My daddy has to give me whoppins all the time." HA! It reminded me of that show Kids Say the Dardnest Things with Bill Cosby. Did y'all watch that show? I LOVED it!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

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