Saturday, October 3, 2009

Week 17 update

17 week picture. I am now retiring this shirt.. haha. I wore this shirt in my 6 week picture and it is quite a big difference. The shirt will probably never be the same!
This week Baby K is the size of an onion, averaging 5.1 inches, 5.9 oz. Their skeleton is hardening and fat (I LOVE baby fat!) is accumulating. Their fingers and toes are now topped with one of a kind prints :) I read somewhere else that the baby can hear loud noises and might jump when startled.
We started cleaning out our office today and by tomorrow it will be completely empty and ready for me to paint! It is unreal how much random stuff we had crammed into that office. I have made 3 different trips to Goodwill so far! Sad, I know.
I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather the good Lord has blessed us with. Have a great weekend and GO HOGS!

1 comment:

Candice Pair said...

You might already do this, but gives you weekly updates on what your baby is doing at that stage...its so exciting! Congrats!


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