Saturday, February 27, 2010

Am I awake?

I. Am. So. Tired. I have been waking up every 45 minutes the past three nights. I couldn't breathe. My throat hurts. And, oh yeah. I'm 38 weeks pregnant and isn't sleeping a past dream by this point anyway? On Saturday my eyebrows weren't even cooperating with me. They looked like they belonged on Einstein. But, you know what? None of that mattered. Saturday was the day the dishwasher got installed!!!! It's not hooked up to plumbing and it needs to be properly fit in by a cabinet man, but we are hooked up to electricity!

Look at how small it is! It doesn't hold much, but I do think we will only have to run it once a day. Much better than having to wash dishes at least twice a day!

We can classify this picture as Things That Stress Me Out. Thankfully, they could tell that if they didn't clean it up they were going to have to give me a paper bag to breathe in. They even swept the rest of the floor, which made me Oh So Happy!

This picture makes the love for my man seep from my pores! Nothing like watching a man do manly work! It's so nice to have a husband that knows how to do this stuff! (and a father in law that teaches him.. haha!)

Hopefully we can get the plumber and cabinet guy out here before Connor arrives. It is going to be SO NICE not to have to donn the dreaded yellow gloves and wash dishes everyday!


Candice Pair said...

haha I agree!! i dont know what I'd do if he couldnt do all those things!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

I cannot believe you are 38 weeks -- WOAH BABY!!


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